
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Getting Back On Track

Sorry folks... in case you have not gathered this from my recent posts: life is craziness right now. The good thing is that our house showed really well! We got 7 offers in the first weekend. Seriously... craziness. 

So, tonight Scott and I spent most of the evening going over all of the potential buyer's best and highest offers. I had allotted that time for blogging. 

Tomorrow you get a regular blog post and from there on out Never Listless goes back to normal (and hopefully my life does too). I owe you a lot of posts and a lot of information. We will get there, but I am writing this at 11pm on Tuesday (way past my bedtime) and I need some sleep!

Here is a preview of what you have in store on Thursday.

We will be back to Nursery Chronicle-ville! Don't you worry- I give you a little run-down of what in the world all of the stuff written on the chalkboard is supposed to mean.

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