
Thursday, August 8, 2013

We Have A House!

Actually, we have had a house for over a week now. But there is such an unbelievable amount to do to make that lovely house livable that posting on the blog has not even been in the realm of realistic things. 

Today, I have a few minutes before Cora wakes up and I thought I would share some photos with you. These are from our final walk through that we did about a week before move-in day. Since that day there have been lots and lots of changes. Most of them involve boxes being piled all over the house and big random piles of things. Slowly, areas are getting organized. 

Here is the front door. Isn't it pretty!?!

Cora is always excited to check out the new house. We took her on the walk-through. But we didn't let her see the house during the big move. We worked hard to get her room ready (enough) for her and surprised her with all of our things magically ending up in the house. Here are Scott and Cora checking out the guest bedroom.

The view from the guest bedroom: 

Just wait until you see a current photo of the garage... things have certainly changed. 

Here is part of the kitchen. 

This is the view from the kitchen looking into the living room and out onto the 2nd floor porch. 

Here is another view of the living room. 

This is the hallway in the main living area. The tiny door is to Cora's cubby hole. 

Here is Cora's bathroom: 

Cora's favorite activity of the day was rolling around in her closet like a wild lady. I am sorry to say that she no longer gets that opportunity. It looks like that closet is going to be box central for a while. 

Finally, here is a view of our master bedroom and bathroom. The cabinets are tall and it is fantastic for the tall folks out there like myself. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. Congratulations on the NEW HOME!! It looks beautiful, can't wait to see it.
    I k

  2. NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!! looks beautiful, Ruby & I can't wait to come visit, and when did Cora's hair get so long?? are you french braiding it yet?? I think you should be soon-to-be-birthday Girrrrrrrrrlllllll.

  3. Looks so awesome! i can't wait to see your decorating adventures and to see it in person! Congrats
