
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Heart Circles!

Let's start this post out with a small sample from yesterday's to do list and then a list of what I actually did.

Wanted to do:
  • post a couple blog posts
  • clean up the house- mainly put away the "this goes in this room" piles
  • get the garage organized
  • write a few thank you notes
  • clean out the bonus room cabinets
  • start a new painting
50%... not too shabby considering sometimes I write "have breakfast" or "brush teeth" on my list just to get the satisfaction of checking something off. 

Actually did:
  • Dropped some tupperware under the deck that Cora was practicing opening and closing while watching 2 big deer and 2 baby deer in the backyard. (The cutest baby deer in the world... how can we leave this house?!?!?!?)
  • Went on a neighborhood walk with daughter and had an awkward conversation with 7th grader waiting for the bus, He was very polite but I think he was worried that the bus would pull up and people might see him talking to the spazzy lady. On the walk we spotted at least 7 squirrels, some looking pretty darn scraggily.
  • Turned the quinoa, black bean, tomato, cilantro, avocado and cheese leftovers from the party into quinoa, black bean, tomato, cilantro, avocado and cheese patties that i think I might be able to get my husband to help me eat. ***Please do not be confused by this and think that I am the chef in the house. No chef here.
  • Read lots of books with Cora- and by read I mean she studies a page while I get out as many words on it as I can before she turns it. 
  • Tried to teach Cora to color. She tried a lot and got very frustrated with it which resulted in the next thing I did.
  • Calmed down a cranky baby with my "Cora Calm" playlist and some snuggle walking (this baby will only tolerate snuggling if you are in motion).
  • Talked a lot about shapes as she did a great job getting them in the right holes in her shape sorter. They put a smiley face on the circle and called it a blueberry. From what I can tell she's not buying it.

Back to the reason for this post... my love of circles. When I paint I naturally like to paint circles and when I find things that inspire my art they are often some sort of circle. So, here they are:

How do you like that me calling these ovals circles? Just go with it please!
I love the pattern on these circles and the contrast.

I am insane- I think that I saw this pattern in the background on Modern Family. So, I watched it again online and took a screen shot of this when it appeared.

This one reminds me of candy. I love the textures and I want to eat it.

This one is simple and I like it!

I love how this is a little clean and messy at the same time.

These next 2 are mine. I painted them at the same time.

This one resides in my living room. ps I heart green more than I heart circles.

I am officially inspired. I am going to paint my sister a painting for her new house in Michigan!!!! Luckily, she likes circles too!


  1. Woo hoo! I love circles and I love your paintings!! I'm super excited!

  2. YAY! I think I will paint some this week for you. Maybe I will even write a post with a list of your options.

  3. I love the one with "Teddy Bear" eyes!!!!!
