
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The perfect house?

My husband and I are not in the market for a new house quite yet but we are always looking. Recently, we found a livable fixer upper in a great area and...


It.Is.On.A.Lake! Waaaaahat! That's right. I said it. We had no idea that living on a lake would be so appealing but man oh man it certainly is!

We checked out the house. Loved it. Put in an offer. Right now, it looks like the chances of us getting it are less than 50%. That hasn't stopped me from writing a list of what I would like to do to the house on a major budget.

Here she blows:
  • spray paint all hardware on doors
  • paint kitchen cabinets (they are the old school ones that you see in old apartments... no paneling, just flat).
  • tile or hardwood kitchen
  • raise kitchen counters up a bit
  • new hardware for kitchen cabinets
  • new faucets in 2 bathrooms and kitchen
  • either frame out mirrors in 2 bathrooms or get new, smaller mirrors
  • new chandelier in dining room
  • paint whole house- walls
  • paint whole house- trim
  • depopcorn the whole house. my husband and I depopcorned the ceilings on 3/4 of our current house. QUITE AN UNDERTAKING! convincing him to help me with this in a new house might be impossible.
  • take down wall paper in kitchen and 2 bathrooms
  • paint bathroom cabinets in both bathrooms
  • new hardware for each bathroom's cabinets
  • new light in both bathrooms
  • new counters in both bathrooms
  • new outlet covers
  • new outlets
  • tile or hardwood baths
  • hardwood in dining room, living room, den and hallways
  • new carpet in bedrooms
  • add a loft above the dining room
  • glass in screened porch
  • change out fluorescent light in kitchen
  • figure out if there is any way to raise kitchen ceilings
  • new doors
  • new closet systems- all closets
  • beef up mantle
Seeing a list like this might turn some people away from a house but for me it gets me more excited about the house. I love a house project... mainly because I love a good before and after. I love to be able to change something to exactly my style.

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