
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cora's Five Favorite Foods!

Cora's 5 Favorite Foods:
SOCKS.KNOCKED.OFF! Am I right? Get ready because here they come.

1. Avocado. This was also her first food. Cora's first taste of solid food was kind of lame. I was all ready with the camera and the video camera, a bib, the high chair was clean and secured. I had been building up the excitement to Cora and Scott for the last week about what a big day this was going to be. I had done my research and I knew that avocado was going to the big first food. 

I sliced into the avocado with a huge smile on my face ready to blow Cora's mind... The avocado was gross. It was one of those super stringy, not quite green enough avocados. Sheesh that avocado was ugly. I tried it and had a major "you are a lame mom" moment. I felt so bad that Cora's first food had to be one of the worst avocados I had ever picked. I did a quick google search to make sure that the stringiness of an avocado didn't equal poison. It didn't so I gave her a bite.

Guess what... she loved it! She would have eaten 10 avocados if I had let her. 

Here she is giving it a try!

2. Cheese. Man oh man oh man does that girl like some cheese. I try not to give her too much dairy but she would eat cheese all day long if that was an option.

3. Smoothies. As I mentioned here when Cora sets her sights on a big, tall glass o' smoothie there is nothing that will get in her way until she slurps it down.

I think she is eating sweet potato and avocado here. She can make a big ol' mess!

4. Dried Mangoes. Cora hates the car. Hates it. If anyone has advice on how to make a baby love or even tolerate a car ride please pass it on. Anyway, dried mangoes are one of the only things that will distract her from her pure hatred of riding backwards while stuffed into a tiny seat. I used to let her suck on them while I held one end but she is too strong now. I have to give it to her in teeny, tiny, little pieces now.

5. Anything that I am eating. If I have made a grilled cheese with spinach and I let her take a bite it is like she won the lottery. It doesn't matter what it is. She could have the same thing on her tray but if it comes from the same plate I am eating off woooo that girl gets excited.

Cora also loves to eat whatever her "Grandmama" gives her. Grandmama mainly likes to give her kisses though!

Well, that concludes the exciting adventures of Cora's favorite foods!


  1. Cora is a very good eater and does like just about anything. She sure loved the banana/applesauce cake with yogurt icing her Daddy made her for her 1st Birthday cake. I'm sure everyone would love that recipe.

    1. You are a smart lady. You may need to start a blog... Never idealess. I will be sure to include the recipe when I post about cora's first birthday party.
