
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

More Art!

The theme this week seems to be MORE so I'm going with it...

A couple of weeks ago you got Art For Kelly and now you get more.

Does anyone want take a little gander at some art by a spazzy lady? To make it more interesting (READ: weird) I photographed some of it at the playground with Cora. Don't worry, I tried to wait until all the other playgrounders were gone before I ran to the car and busted out the art gallery.

But... I didn't try hard enough. I played the waiting game with a little girl and her babysitter. They won. They got to see me go from the normal mom saying "wheeeee" as she pushed her daughter on the swing to the crazy lady who puts paintings on the slide. They definitely seemed confused about the whole thing. Fair thing to be confused about, I think. Poor Cora- she has a wacky mama.

And so the weirdness begins

The playground always works well to de-crank Cora when she's acting sassy.

Gravel is fascinating!

Where's the baby?
This looks, to me, a little like a still-shot out of a suspense movie.

The art gallery comes home.

A little weirdness for the neighbors to see too.

So, there they are. A few paintings out on the town.

But wait, there's more randomness for you...
I save lots of picture of things that I think are beautiful. I have a ridiculous collection of scraps of paper around the house and jpegs on my computer. I'll look at these pictures for inspiration sometimes while I'm painting.

Somehow I came across a store called Casa Ideas. It has locations in a few South American countries. They have bucket-loads of awesome, art-inspiring merchandise.

Here are a few things that I will keep in mind the next time I paint:

If you want to see some more art-related posts I have got them for you!
Here is some art I painted for my sister. Here are some animals that inspire art. And a little circle art for you.

Annnnnnd the answers from Sunday's WYR questions:

  • Live in a world that has real unicorns rather than live in a world where there is a rainbow every other day
  • Even Split: Have to drink 3 cups of pickle juice every day or have to wear a huge pink tutu every day
  • Even Split: Never be allowed to sing again (even when you are alone) or the only thing you can watch on TV (or stream online) is sports
  • Always smell a good bit like cat pee rather than only leave the house when it is dark out


  1. Not crazy just artistic! Cora is doing fine with her Mama who does unusual things. When do you find time to paint? Your stories keep me smiling :)
    And of course it never hurts to have that cute little granddaughter in the photos.
    I can't believe people are not knocking down your door wanting to buy your paintings.
    One of your paintings Kelly had to leave at our place may not make it to MI. It looks good in our Tropical Island bedroom!

  2. I love those paintings, and I love the playground art gallery! Cora is an excellent model.

    What did you do to the striped paintings? They look like they have texture--like you put sand on them or something?

    Mama, that painting was a gift. It is mine.

  3. PS, in the where is the baby? pic, I actually didn't 'find' the baby until like the 4th time i looked at it. Well done, me.

  4. Hey I know that playground! Love, love, love all of the paintings! I don't know anyone who thinks its weird to bring paintings to the park and photograph who knows what that babysitter's problem was. Cora is as cute as ever!!:)

  5. Thanks everyone!
    Mama, I paint for about an hour 3 or 4 times a week after I put Cora to bed. Thank you for your sweet compliments- I haven't tried to sell my paintings yet but might try Etsy soon.
    Kelly, there are LOTS of layers of paint on the painting you are talking about- thick paint drips, and lots of LOTS of paint layers.
    Sara, that playground needs a pizza box delivery contest to make it a super cool park.
    Maz (Stewey), you are a silly spaz.

  6. God I miss you!!!! lol...this is fabulous...just wish I was at the playground seeing this!

    Beautiful paintings as always!!!
