
Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Bumble Bee And A Fish!

I told you earlier today that there were more Cora photos on the way and here they are!
My little babytoddler was a bumble bee for Halloween!

Cora went trick or treating this year... to three houses. She didn't seem to have a clue why in the world we were at our next door neighbor's house rather than in the middle of our bedtime routine. But she was very happy to accept candy bars from anyone who was willing to give them to her. 

I am a major stickler about Cora's sugar intake. Scott insisted that it was Halloween and we should let her try a piece of candy. So, after her dinner we gave her a teeny tiny piece of an Airhead and a quarter of an M&M. She was a fan.

Fast-forward a couple hours and that babytoddler taught us a lesson about who was going to be eating candy on Halloween. While I was carrying the little trickster around before bedtime she acted like she was just chewing on the wrapper of a Kit Kat bar. But boo ya to me... she managed to bust through the wrapper and eat half of the Kit Kat bar before I realized that her sugar levels were in the process of quadrupling.

One more photo of my little bee. I dressed her up for story time at the library yesterday!

Here is the pumpkin I carved this year. A fish pumpkin! Woo hoo! And, in case you can't tell, those are waves at the top. My smiley pumpkin fish!

364 days until next Halloween!


  1. Was there any fallout from Cora's super consumption?

    I am super excited about 2 Cora posts!!!!

  2. That is hysterical! I do hope she didn't have a sugar fall out.
    That is a cute fish, very original.

    Every time I look a photos of Cora in her bee suit, I am amazed that she seems to
    be enjoying wearing it and is not fazed at all about being in it. Way to go Cora.

    1. yeah, she didn't really seem to mind it. She did, however, mind when other kids were wearing a hood or a hat as part of their costume. I got very good at realizing what she was up to when I saw her headed in the direction of a hooded baby or she would yank that thing right off.

  3. I'm not too sure about that fish-o-lantern but it's different. I'm glad to see Cora getting so much mileage out of the bumblebee costume and I'm also glad to see that she's into boxes now. The last time we were there she was very uncertain about what those boxes were all about.

    1. She loves that box so much now! It is completely worn out so she uses it as a dance stage. Hopefully, that will still be around when you come on Thursday!

  4. Love the costume pics! So adorable!!!! And I am loving the candy situation...too funny!!!! I agree with your Mama, she does seem to be really enjoying (from the pics) wearing the costume!!

  5. Is that lady in the background of the photo with you and Cora at the library actually carrying a baby dressed up as a doll? Or is that just a doll?

    1. First of all, that last comment was Scott commenting under my name. Second, it cracks me up that you thought that was a real baby. It is a puppet. His name is Matthew.

  6. Cutest bubble bee ever! Can't believe how long her hair is. I love it pulled back in the leaves post! Can't wait to see y'all next weekend :)
