
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thanksgiving. Round 1: More Traditions

The day for thanks is steadily approaching!

I love Thanksgiving! I love tracing my hand and turning it into a turkey.

I love seeing my huge family. I love the 6 hour car ride with Cora to get to all of my people.

Ahhh I do wish that last one is true. Cora isn't a big fan of the car. But this trip, I am going to do my Google research and travel equipped with tips a'plenty about how to handle a car hatin' baby.  And, you know, I wouldn't leave you hanging without a post about it. That will come with time... just hold your horse.

Now, peeps, let's go back to the present. Let's get ready for the big day... the day of thanks!

Who doesn't love a good tradition?
Before we were even into November I showed you the two Thanksgiving traditions that we, at the Spencer household, take part in.

The Holiday Book Basket

 And The Thanks Jar

I found some neat variations on the Thanks Jar.

The Paper Thanks Tree

And The Beautiful Thanks Branches

A few more ideas for Thanksgiving traditions:

  • Watch the Macy's Day Parade
  • Host a Game Day the day after Thanksgiving. My Uncle Alan and Aunt Camille have been doing that for about 10 years and it is great! Since a lot of people travel for Thanksgiving, it gives you another chance to see the big group that you are traveling to see!

It looks like people might be boo-ing my mom's Scategories answer choice here.

  • Get an early start on your resolutions! Why wait until January 1st- write them all down now and start them immediately! The long car or plane ride home from Thanksgiving will certainly give you plenty of time to think of them.
  • I know that sometimes the last minute stuff can be hectic. Make it a tradition that while everyone is arriving and getting all of the food ready for the big feast put on some music. You could make a playlist with songs about thanks or just some up-lifting music. Dance around while you prepare the food!
  • In my big family, the tradition is the cocktail shrimp. As soon as the shrimp arrives, everyone (except me since I'm a vegetarian) pounces and the shrimp is gone in no time.
  • I like traditions involving music. So, why not get the whole family involved in making up a silly song about your favorite Thanksgiving food. This good be another good car-ride tradition.

I will be back soon with a post about Thanksgiving decorations and Thanksgiving food.

Would You Rather Election Question of the day (The last WYR election question)

WYR... you, personally, have the secret deciding vote for who becomes president every election for the rest of your life
you have to serve as president for 4 years (8 if you get reelected... less if you get impeached)?

sources: turkey handpaper thanks treebranch thanks tree


  1. I believe everyone is eating your Icing cookies in the game night photo.
    You forgot about watching football on Thanksgiving and playing frisbee golf!
    It amazes me that people still ask me how we celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia!!!
    I'm looking forward to hearing the Thanksgiving CD to get us all in the Giving mood. I know all our thoughts will be with the folks in NJ & NY.
    WYR: I don't like this one, so I'm not going to answer!

    1. That was a good WYR.
      Very good additions to the list!
      Don't be too hard on people- Canada has Thanksgiving. I bet a bunch of countries do.

  2. Love all the traditions that your family has!
    Does Cora like movies at all, you could play DVD's on the way...that might help?

    WYR....secret deciding vote!!

    1. That's a good idea. Cora has never seen a movie, but it might be time to break out the big guns!
      ps I will email you back very soon!

  3. Wyr President. I really dig that Air Force One. I figure I could just delegate everything and I doubt it would be more than four years, quite possibly less with tha impeachment deal.

  4. Wyr President. I really dig that Air Force One. I figure I could just delegate everything and I doubt it would be more than four years, quite possibly less with tha impeachment deal.

  5. I always do the thankful tree with my class every year! Love the game night photos! Can't wait for Thanksgiving this year!

    WYR-deciding vote!

    1. Wooo! You should take a picture of the tree and send it to me! I can't wait either!
