We just got home from a big road trip to Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Right now, home is at my in-law's house. The whole moving process was pretty emotional and stressful for me. Not being able to move into our new house to start establishing routines and getting settled is pretty hard. But we are very very very fortunate people. My in-laws are about the most welcoming, generous, and thoughtful people you could find. They opened up their home to us. They really opened it up... we have already filled the THREE! rooms that they made for us with all of our junk.
So, here is the reason why I am "taking it easy in blog city": I need a break to unpack, reorganize, establish some routines, and try to get my sanity back after our big move and our road trip.
The photos below were taken after I had spent at least 4 hours total trying to get organized.
ps it should be noted that this is all our junk. The rooms looked fantastic before The Jed Clampet and his gang moved all of their junky bags in.
We are living out of boxes right now and they are EVERYWHERE! It takes an hour just to find a hat for Cora.
I'm sorry that my blog has been filled with excuses, apologies and sadness recently. Over the next few weeks, I am going to try to post 2-3 times, but there may be a random week were only one post hits the pages of Ol' Never Listless. I promise that I'll get back on track soon. I can't imagine how I am going to fit all of the fun changes in our new house into just 3 posts a week.
Here are a few photos from our road trip. These are just the ones that I took on my sister's phone. I haven't had a chance to upload any others yet.
This one is of Cora and her best friend, the snow man. My sister's neighbors have a snow man on their deck and Cora was OBSESSED. When we were inside, she would look out the window to try and see him and ask repeatedly if she could go say hello. Sometimes, she would just wave at him and say hi. There was a kiss or two given.
Here she is just chillin' with him.
My sister took us to a fabulous garden where she lives in Michigan. It was beautiful and there was lots of great stuff for kids. Cora loved it!
There were boats to play with!
Cora became obsessed with tunnels on this trip. This mini door resembled a tunnel enough to get her excited!
Thanks to all of the lovely folks who made our trip extra special (Kelly, mom, Emery, Jeanette, Liz, Charlie, John, Jenni, all of the tunnels, parks, and good food).
That's all for now. I will definitely be back on Monday with a little blogging action for you. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

You definitely deserve to take it easy! I'll be excited when the regular blogging starts back up, though.