
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One Room At A Time: Master Bedroom!

Finally, I am going to show you a room in our house and not just a random little area. Our new master bedroom is a whole lot smaller than our old one, but it is going to be pretty darn similar. Here's a peak at the old one.

We have yet to put up the headboard, curtains or any art but the furniture is all in place. 

Here is a before furniture shot of new bedroom looking into our bathroom.

I have included some photos of the room on Move-In Day just in case you have forgotten how crazy moving can be:

After furniture:

New bed wall before furniture:

Move-In Day:


The closet wall before the move-in:

Move-In Day:

And, after: 

Another random shot:

Move-In Day:

I don't have an after of this one but you can guess what is going on here.

One of the nice things about our new house is that we get to be on the same level as Cora. We look out our door and can see straight down the hallway into her room. Her room is just beyond the ladder, which, surprisingly, is not a permanent fixture.

I have so many things to show you. Hopefully, I can stick to the two posts per week schedule and catch you up!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing photos of the new house taking shape.
    It looks great!
