
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Living Room Update Number 3: Shelving That May Not Be For Everyone!

There is a space next to the couch that has been bugging me like crazy since we moved in. I just could not figure out what to do with it. I really wanted a reading nook/ wall of books there but the space just didn't really seem to be the right size for it. I am still trying to find a place to fit something like this beauty in:

I thought that a command center might be nice there. Maybe something like this:

But I just couldn't find the right furniture to fit there.

Recently, I came across this photo and fell in love:

Now please go ahead and lower your expectations tremendously for what I have coming your way.
Do you remember all of those shelving units we bought for the garage. Well, we are now up to numero cuatro steel shelving unit in our house.

I convinced my lovely lovely ridiculously busy with work husband to paint it for me and we were in business.

My mom came into town and she and Cora and I did what any mother dreams of doing with their grand-daughter... hitting up craft stores for a few hours to measure all potential baskets and bins and compare prices and coupons. In the end, I came home with about 3 times too much stuff. I just couldn't be sure how it was all going to look. Luckily, my mom is coming back into town next weekend and I know she will be thrilled to trace our steps back on the return circuit.

I tried out a few options and here is what I came up with:

The tops of the shelves didn't line up with the edges of each shelf so I came up with a solution... wood! 2x4s and 2x6s. I spent a long time in Lowes measuring and calculating to find the perfect fit and I finally did. There would be 2 2x4s and 2 2x6s per shelf. A nice Lowes employee helped me figure out which boards I should buy and what cuts needed to be made. I had officially over-mathed myself and was started to second guess even the most simple equations. Mr. Lowes cut all of the pieces for me too.
I returned home with a trunk that looked like this:

Shoving all of the newly-cut boards into place was strangely satisfying. I think I was just relieved that they all fit... perfectly too!
One shelf in place!

Scottio kindly painted the 2 wood crates white for me. 

The arrangement isn't permanent and surprisingly only one of those storage bins has something in it. Things will definitely be changing. The picture on top has not been hung yet and may not end up there. When it makes its way onto the wall I will show you a close-up of it. It is pretty neat!
Here is where we are now:

I can almost check this shelf off the list. The big check mark isn't here yet because I eventually want to stain the wood- probably the same color as the coffee table.

I am happy with the progress. I cannot wait to get some paint on those walls and curtains hung!


  1. Looking good!
    You are so right about wanting to re-trace our steps and return baskets....can't wait!!!

  2. Love this! looks really good, i have about a bazillion space like that (that i don't know what to do with) this inspires me to start figuring it out

    1. woo hoo! wouldnt it be nice if you would actually do it and then post it on your blog!
