
Monday, October 22, 2012

Spooky Houses That You Already Know, Part 2

A few weeks ago, I kicked off the Halloween season with some spooky houses and I promised you there would be more to come. Today, I am here to tell you that my promise has been kept.

Let's take a look at a couple of houses that rank pretty high on the spooky scale.

Edward Scissorhands

My buddy, Johnny Depp, played a very spooky looking, scissor-handed dude in Tim Burton's 90s classic. He lived in a castle that would be appropriately scored on the spooky scale.

creepy castle image from here

He spent a lot of his time in suburbia where the houses were spooky in their own way. And pretty awesome in their own way too!

pink houses for you and me image from here

He spooked up the houses by trimming the shrubs like this

He fancied up all the ladies hair and he gave the pets some new dos.

And that concludes the spookiness that is Johnny D and his scissory hands.


Beetlejuice is another one of Tim Burton's classics from the 90s. I could write an entire post about Tim Burton's spooky houses. But I won't get crazy- I'll just keep it to just these two.

In the movie, the owners of this beautiful farmhouse pass away. Then, Winona Ryder and her 'rents move in.


They modernize the heck out of the house. 
modern-fest image from here

The original owners go all ghost on Winona and her family and try to spook them out. They even bring Beetlejuice in to help them. Winona eventually decides that ghosts are da bomb and performs a little Harry Belafonte, "Day-O" number.
sweet dance moves, Winona image from here

And there you have one spooked up house.

Another spooky house bites the dust. Well, not really. But we are two spooky house posts down and one more to go.

And now for all you WYR lovers out there...
Would You Rather Question of the day:

WYR... spend one night in a sleeping bag basically hanging from a cliff in Yosemite (like the guys pictured below) 
spend one night on a surfboard in an alligator-infested canal in Florida.

crazy people image from here

My clever mama helped me come up with this one. I like it.


  1. Tim Burton sure knows "spooky"!
    btw..thanks for a lovely weekend. I don't need Cora photos for a few days after spending a whole weekend with her. She is such a cutie and fun to be with.

    Well seeing I'm afraid of heights, especially hanging from the side of a mountain I will regretfully have to go with the surfboard and alligators....don't like my chances on that one either.

  2. This is embarrassing to admit but I've never seen Edward Scissorhands. I expect some backlash on that :(
    I'd go with the hanging from a cliff overnight. I hate crocodiles/alligators and don't want to take my chances with them!

    1. Not embarrassing but stop watching terrible, terrible movies over and over like Ghosts of Girfriends Past and watch Eddie Scissors

  3. I'm definitely going cliff hanging as long as I don't have to do the climbing to get there.

  4. Emery is into the cliff hanging!

  5. Assuming I'm just dropped off and picked up on the side of the cliff and it is very sturdy I'm going with the cliff

  6. Also, I forgot to ask this last time: is the title of this post a reference to the Goyte song?

    1. funny that you ask. No, I did not intentionally do that. However, I have a post coming up soon about that song. random.
