
Monday, February 11, 2013

Tree Houses Are The Coolest!

We've talked houseboats. I think we all know what the next logical step is.

Let's do it... let's talk tree houses!

There are some UNBELIEVABLE tree houses out there.

My granddad built an amazing tree house on a visit from Australia one summer. I didn't know how lucky I was to have such an awesome playground. I should have realized it every time I looked outside and the whole neighborhood was playing on it even though my sister and I weren't out there. 

Here is a bit more of the playground. 
There are a few note-worthy things about the photo above:

1. My Granddad was not usually as cranky as he appears to be in these photos.

2. My Granddad wore nice pants and a nice shirt no matter what he was doing- including building a playground.

3. That sandbox got disgusting real fast. Neighborhood cats- I will say no more.

4. In the first photo, you might think Kelly is wearing a helmet. Wrong! That is her hair!

When I was a little older we moved to a house that did not have a tree house. The neighborhood boys built a tree house of sorts in the woods. It was on an old rickety bridge so it was actually a fort. But let's pretend it was a tree house so I can tell you about it in this post. It had a secret escape door in the floor hidden by leaves. The door was on a hinge that you could pull up and jump down into the creek. Pretty impressive carpentry work for some little kids.

I don't know that I will be the one to build Cora a tree house but I sure hope someone gets assigned that job. Tree houses are fun!

Here is the tree house that everyone knows... The Swiss Family Robinson tree house. I should have included that in my Spooky TV And Movie Houses post. That was one scarrrrrrry movie!

Ohhhhh My Gooooodnesss! I would have been in heaven if I had this as a child.

This is a hotel. A tree house-airplane hotel in Costa Rica. Craziness.

This house would be almost 9 stories tall! It is supports by 6 trees. One of which has a diameter of 12 feet.

Why, yes! I think I would like to live in a space bubble. 

No one even knows that this tree house exists. It is the sneakiest tree house around.

This awesome one is a restaurant in New Zealand.

Here are a couple slightly more realistic tree houses.

This one is adorable but a bit you might have to hire an architect to help you... possibly George Costanza, the architect.

How colorful! 

I was telling my sister about this post and she asked, "like Berenstain Bear tree houses?" 
Whhhhaaaaat! How could I have missed that? So, Berenstain Bears it is.

And the indoors:

Ohhhh what fun! 
There may just have to be a part 2 to "Tree Houses Are The Coolest" in the future.

And a little NL Public Service Announcement: 
I have run out of time. I am sorry to say it but I cannot find enough time in the day to continue to produce 7 posts per week. So, starting this week, I am only going to post my regular random house-related/organization-related/whatever in the world random stuff I can think of on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Saturday and Sunday I will continue posting Cora-filled posts or other posts where I am likely the only one interested.

Thanks for reading!!! 


  1. You are right about tree houses.......great post! You are also very lucky to have had a granddad that built you your own playground. Sorry to hear about the cut back in your posts but it is understandable, just don't cut back too much on the Cora posts.

    1. Thanks! we were very lucky to have that lovely playground!

  2. Those tree houses are awesome! And I loved the photos of Grandad's playground. My hair looks better there than it did a couple years later when it was a permed mullet instead of a helmet.

  3. I would love a tree house! even at my age!!!!
