
Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Favorite Cora Photos! 3 to 4 Months Old, Part 1

Dear Grandparents and Aunt Kelly, This post is for you! 
Dear Cora of the future, You will be happy to know that you are wearing a shirt in every single photo.

This is only half of Cora from month 3 to 4 (11-20-11 - 12-20-11). 
We make it through Thanksgiving and then we get a little touch of Christmas.

Dad, you are missing from the grandparent line-up in this set of photos. But you come on strong in part 2!

Sleep... It happens so rarely, especially in the car that I had to document it. On this trip, we drove about 20 hours round trip and Cora slept a total of an hour and a half.

Emery meets Cora! Grandmama was thrilled to have her at her house. With the amount of toys and books she had ready for her you would have thought Cora lived there.

Cora gets to meet the first of her many wonderful  2nd cousins. (That's Sara on the right, also pictured HERE!!!!!!)

Cora meets her Great Grandma!!!

4 generations! 

Cora gets her chance to hang out with Santa (a rather impressive Santa)!

And here's my belly! FYI Cora is impressed with bellies these days and even more so with belly buttons. She is constantly checking on her own belly button. Last week, she even said "ba- innn" and pointed to her innie. She was impressively close. I drewa belly button on Cora's favorite doll, Dora. Cora was always looking for Dora's BB and seemed surprised and upset that it wasn't there every time she checked.

My sweet, little baby

Obligatory Scott being silly with Cora photo

The cutest poncho ever!

Looks like she's a Wake Forest fan!

Boo and Cora!
I think this baby just had her belly tickled.

Getting all holiday-ed up!

Mrs. Claus with her mama

A baby in a Santa hat. Things are getting crazy around here!

Cora having fun with her Pop.

Where's Waldo of baby town.

It was Skype city around these parts!

Great Grandma is a Skyping machine!
That wraps up Part 1 of Cora's 4th month. We only have 34,563 more photos until we catch up with 14 month Cora.

And now... The Would You Rather Question of the day!

WYR... Never be able to take another photo again
have take 750 photos every single day?


  1. Thanks for the Cora photos, some current ones would be nice as well. I guess I would be taking 750 shots but I would get very fast at scanning and deleting.

  2. I'm late on this but I love it! Especially the photo of Cora, Caitie and me!! 750 photos a day..even though that is INSANE!

    Why is Grandma on the phone while she is skyping with you? Does she think that is how she hears you through the computer??

    1. Sara, you know Grandma always has trouble with her Skype. She couldn't get the sound to work. So, we used Skype for the video and the phone for the sound!
