
Friday, October 26, 2012

Not-So-Spooky Halloween Food

Halloween is less than a week away. Are you throwing a fabulous Halloween party and you need some food ideas? Maybe you are going to a fabulous Halloween party and you want to blow everyone away with your amazingly festive food. Either way, I AM HERE FOR YOU!

There are some seriously spooky and GROSS Halloween eats out there. I could barely handle half of them. You get the toned down- cheesy and cute Halloween food. I also picked the food that looked easy and practical. Some of the food options were visually awesome but made no sense... like the one below.

This is an awesome skeleton but it would take me an hour to cut up my veggies that small. And it looks like it would only serve one person. Who has the time to make each person their own vegetable skeleton?

The funny apple and marshmallow chompers below are more my speed. They are silly, fun and look very easy to make!

Another easy, practical and cute food arrangement! 

Mummy bread bowl! How silly! I am not quite sure where you buy mummy-shaped bread. That could be a problem but you are clever people. I know you'll make it work. Maybe get a roll for the head and cover the seam with melted string cheese.

This one makes me laugh. Dracula has got himself some hair.

Cookie, frosting, and Hershey's kiss witch hats. Things do not get much easier than this. You get one million extra points if you can keep a few extra boxes of Samoas in your freezer until Thanksgiving and then use them as the cookies. I am now in Samoa withdrawal so please, people... I beg you... INVITE ME TO YOUR SAMOA-INFESTED PARTY!

The world's easiest and spookiest English muffin pizza! A muffin, two black olives, a little tomato sauce and some string cheese and... tada!!! You've got another funny mummy! PS I will be helping myself to more than your Samoa hats if this guy is present on your food table. 

Now, go get to cookin'!!! And don't forget- if you have any boxes of Samoas hiding out in your freezer I will be RSVPing a big, huge YES to your Halloween party!

Are you looking for a little more Halloween talk?
I've got you covered. Here are some great home-made costumes. Here are some of my past costumes. Here are some pumpkin carving ideas. And here are some Halloween decoration ideas.

The Would You Rather question of the day:

WYR... That the only dessert you are allowed to eat for the rest of your life be the Girl Scout cookie, Samoas
or... any dessert you can buy at Dunkin Donuts (not the Dunkin' Donuts/ Baskin Robins combo store).

image sources: skeleton veggies, apple teethcarrot pumpkin face, mummy, dracula cupcake, witch hats, English mummy


  1. Awesome. This is so creative! Love it.

  2. I think the skeleton veggie guy is cool! I will create a huge one that will feed 15 people.

    I will eat any/all desserts at Dunkin Donuts. I HATE samoas.

    1. I'm ready to see your huge skeleton!
      I know you like Thin Mints. What if I changed it to Thin Mints?

  3. i pick dunkin donuts. samoas are ok but i am not nearly as into them as you are

  4. Man, I keep posting comments from my iphone and they're not showing up. Bogus.

    Anyway, I pick SAMOAS!!!

    You crack me up. I wish I were hosting a Samoa-infested party so that you would come visit me.

    1. ugh that is bogus! i think NL doesnt like apple products.

  5. Still no Cora photos....bogus!

    *WYR = Samoas

    Kelly was looking at the photos from last weekend and is missing that little girl so much!
    Grandmama misses her too!

    1. apparently dad is boycotting and not leaving any comments until cora shows up on the blog. dad, i expect some comments tomorrow because that is the day.
      cora misses aunt kelly too (and grandmama!)

  6. those are pretty good photots you found there. DD and its not even close.

  7. Love those Apple marshmallow do you put then together?
