
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Bonus Room Chronicles: Step 7, Part 2: Finishing Touches

Oops! I did it again! This post was getting CRAZY long. So, I decided to break it up. There will now be 3 parts to the 7th step. But then we are done, really and truly done with The Bonus Room Chronicles!

Today we get to take a look at some before and afters. There will be at least two before shots (one before we moved in, one when I added the "funky retro" to the bonus room). The after shots are photos that were taken while the house was on the market, after it had been de-funkyed, de-retroed and lots of neutralization had happened.

Tomorrow I will talk a little about how I like to decorate open shelving. And tell you a bit more about some of the changes we made. I am telling you now... fascinating stuff. I dare you to see if you can wait until tomorrow!

Let's get started!

The Big Window: Before we moved in:

The Big Window: A little funky retro, but pre built-ins:

The Big Window: On the market time:

The Closet Wall: Before we moved in:

The Closet Wall: Funky Retro:

The Closet Wall: After furniture reconfiguration:

The Closet Wall: On the market:

The Other Window Wall: Before we moved in:

The Other Window Wall: A little funky retro:

The Other Window Wall: A slightly cleaner look to the funky retro (the two photos below = the whole wall):

The Other Window Wall: On the market:

Up The Stairs: Before we moved in:

Up The Stairs: Funky retro:

Up The Stairs: A bit different in the background:

Up The Stairs: Funky retro (the other side):

Up The Stairs: On the market:

The Speaker Wall: Before we moved in:

The Speaker Wall: Stage 1:

The Speaker Wall: Stage 2:

The Speaker Wall: Stage 3:

The Speaker Wall: House on the market:

The Other Side Of The Closet Wall: Before we moved in:

The Other Side Of The Closet Wall: Funky retro:

The Other Side Of The Closet Wall: On the market:

I hope to see you back here tomorrow to wrap this puppy up!

Here are the steps that got us up to this point:

The Bonus Room Chronicles Introduction Post

Step 1: Move in. Paint the walls. Put up curtains. Put up art. Paint orange design. Paint polka dots.

Step 2Put up wire display.

Step 3Put up wall of frames.

Step 4Move furniture around. Get rid of TV. Add bed.

Step 5: Part 1Part 2Part 3Build window seat and built in bookcases.

Step 6Change out the bifold doors

Step 7: Part 1.  Part 2Part 3Finishing touches

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