I remember when I was living in an apartment with some friends I used to have the messiest room on the planet, but it would only take me about 20 minutes to get it looking spotless. The key was that I had a bunch of boxes hidden behind my bed that I would throw everything in. Clearly that was a better solution than dealing with the clutter.
Once my dad was visiting, and as always, I had waited until the last minute to clean up. So, I put everything on top of my bed and threw the comforter over it. I spent a few minutes patting things down so it didn't look like I had magazines and lunch boxes and whatever other random thing was floating around my room hiding under the covers.
Now, it is time to move onto the fascinating reason you are all here today: BI-FOLD DOORS!
This is probably the most boring step in any of the chronicle series. I am sorry about that!
The house came with louvered bi-fold doors and they just weren't my style. I think in the right environment they can look fantastic, but in this room they really dated it, especially with the "funky retro vibe" we had going on. Scott changed them out himself and the whole process was pretty easy. I didn't take any photos. Just follow the directions that come with your door. They know what they're talking about!
So, we went from this:
To this:
To this:
WHHHHAAAAATTT! Is that what I hear you screaming at your computer? Where did the funky retro vibe go? Well, we are in the process of de-funkying and de-retroing our house right now because....
Sorry, the one word per line thing may have been a bit much, but I think you liked the dramatic effect of it just a little bit. The cat is out of the bag. If you live in Charlotte or are looking to move to Charlotte, this tropical paradise of loveliness could be yours! I will tell you more about everything in another post soon to come.
Back to the land of chronicles! Here are the steps that the Bonus Room Chronicles have passed through, along with the very last step. Yay! There is just one more step to go before we can cross this chronicle off our list.
The Bonus Room Chronicles Introduction Post
Step 1: Move in. Paint the walls. Put up curtains. Put up art. Paint orange design. Paint polka dots.
Step 2: Put up wire display.
Step 3: Put up wall of frames.
Step 4: Move furniture around. Get rid of TV. Add bed.
Step 6: Change out the bifold doors

I wondered why that bed looked so lumpy.
ReplyDeleteWow!! looks great!!! have fun un retro-ing the house!
ReplyDeletethanks! I'll try!