
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 31st... Time For Some Halloween Jokes

Today we are working with Halloween jokes AND... get ready for this excitement... photos of things that are orange and black.

Sorry, everyone! I used up all of the good Halloween stuff leading up to the big day!

In case you missed it... the "good Halloween stuff" consisted of:

And now, here is the reason that you all are here...
cheesy Halloween jokes:

Q. Why wasn't there any food left after the monster party?

A. Because everyone was a goblin!

Q. What does a panda ghost eat?

A. Bam-BOO!

Orange Bishop

Q. Who did Dracula bring to the prom?

A. His ghoul friend.

Eastern Comma Butterfly, I believe

Q. What did the skeleton order with his drink?

A. A mop.

Q. Why is it hard for a ghost to tell a lie?

A. Because you can see right through him.

Tiger Lillies

Q. Why don't mummies take vacations?

A. They're afraid they'll relax and unwind.

You know I like this pillow! Hello chevron (aka Charlie Brown's shirt)
Q. What do you get when you cross a hot dog and Halloween?

A. A Hallo-weenie!

THIS COULD BE YOURS! for sale for only $6 here
Q. What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes? 

A. A cereal killer.

Bearded tiger buddie

Q. What do you call a ghost with a broken leg? 

A. A hoblin goblin.

Poison Dart Frog

Knock, knock
Who's there?

Boo who?
No, no, don't cry! I was just kidding.
(I used to LOVEEEEEEEEE this knock knock joke)

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad it's Halloween.

The moon on August 15th 2005

Yep, that's what I have for you today. I'm sure you enjoyed it... mainly because it looks like a project that a 3rd grader would turn in.

We all know you are going to enjoy this... The Would You Rather Election Question of the Day! (in honor of the week before election day)

WYR... The President of the United States have a bat as a pet (kept in a huge cage)
15 pet spiders (in a terrarium)?

Once again, here is another apology note to the grandparents and Aunt Kelly: Tomorrow, I promise to have at least one Cora photo to make up for this post.

image sources: oriole, tigermoonpillow, birdfrog, tiger lillieswig, butterfly, orange squid
joke sources: Psychology Today, Sqigly's Playhouse

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spooky Houses That You Already Know, Part 3

SPOOKY HOUSE TIME! Who is excited? This isn't the first time I have introduced you to spooky houses. It isn't even the second.
This is your THIRD chance to catch a glimpse of some seriously spooky, jump out of your seat houses (and other random photos that I think you need to see).

Sabrina The Teenage Witch

Not spooky at all. This house is quite beautiful. But they had a talking black cat who had the cheesiest jokes I have ever heard. Some people may say that a cheesy cat is still not that spooky. Those people would be wrong. But Sabrina was a witch and there we have the spook!

gorgeous house image from here

Here is Sabrina getting her Halloween on and cheesy, Salem the cat eating cheese puffs... could not possibly get cheesier!
cheesy image from here
This show was on TGIF. So, I watched. Please go ahead and pretend like I wasn't 13 (or some other embarrassingly old age) when I was still watching TGIF.
Even though I saw way more episodes of STTW than I would like to admit I have no idea who ANY of the people in this photo are except Sabrina and the red head. WHERE IS THE CAT? AUNT HILDE? OTHER AUNT? Where are you hiding?

image with... IS THAT PUNKY BREWSTER?!?!? from here


Adventures In Babysitting is still probably one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. How about that scene where the kids are tightrope walking on the beams in the warehouse? SCARY! And Chris's friend, Brenda, thinking she made friends with a cat but it was a rat.
scaredy cat image from here

The part where they break down on the side on the highway and the hook-handed trucker stops to help them.
Chris being strong image from here

All of those scenes were spooky. The house itself... not so spooky. But I just thought I would share one of my top 5 scariest movies with you.

My friend, Jenny Rose's twin station wagon picture from here

Only one week until the big election which means it is time for WYR election questions!

The Daily Would You Rather Election Question:

WYR... that George Costanza was elected as President of the United States
that Kramer was elected?

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Thanksgiving Jar And A Little Book Talk!

We aren't into November quite yet but it is close. So, let's get ready for it!

Last year, Scott and I started a tradition that I hope to continue for a long time. We each wrote 30 things we are thankful for and put them in our "thanks jar." I would like to say that we wrote one and put it in the jar each day. But that just isn't the way it went down. We had a 2 month old... things were a bit more hectic then. 

I had been talking about the jar a lot as November rolled in. Finally, after November was over halfway through I decided there was to be no more dilly dallying. So, on that day we each wrote 30 things we were thankful for. This year, we will try again at the "write one each day" idea.

I didn't come up with this idea. I read it in my book, "365 Games Smart Babies Play." You can find more activities I have done from the book here. The crafty folks over at YoungHouseLove also did a thanks jar last year.

Here is the lovely jar. I tied last years notes with some raffia and kept them in the jar.

A special kangaroo named Kangy wanted to pose with it for you.
wooo weee! I also got a special, little babytoddler to pose with it.

The very obvious process of how I decorated the jar:

  1. Got a canning jar
  2. Looked through my ribbon collection and got some raffia
  3. Wrote "Thanks" on a piece of scrapbook book paper
  4. Punched a hole in the scrapbook paper
  5. Tied the ribbon around the jar and looped the piece of scrapbook paper in
  6. Cut out 60 pieces of pretty paper for us to write on.

Here are some of my favorite thankful notes from last year:

Now, onto the books!

I am a big fan of traditions. We had a lot of them growing up and I am trying to keep the momentum going for Cora. As you may have figured out already from my love of the library... I love books!

The book tradition I am trying to get you excited about is a HOLIDAY BOOK BASKET!
Did the capital letters boost your enthusiasm?
Did you think I was going to let you in on another one of my amazing book buys?

A week or two before most holidays, my mom would break out a pile of special books that only came out once a year. We had Halloween & Fall books, Thanksgiving books, Christmas books (and LOTS of them), Easter books, Forth of July books, and I think we even a book or two about birthdays. I loved seeing those special books. It was such a treat when they came out. I think my Grandma even did the same tradition with my dad and his brothers and sister.

My mom has slowly been sneaking every piece of holiday craziness that she has ever owned into my house. Recently, I acquired her holiday book collections! She didn't have to sneak that one in. WOOO HOOO!

And since I'm such a kids book fan, I had already been working on a holiday book collection of my own.

Here it is:

I got a little holiday-crazy and added some green raffia. 

Feel free to say your "ooooohhhhhhs and awwwwwws" out loud!

Now for the Would You Rather Question of the day:

eat 2 and half pounds of pumpkin pie
one pound of Halloween candy?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hilarious Pet Costumes

Am I getting cheesier the more I blog? It is very possible.
But let's get real... who doesn't want to take a little look at 9 pets dressed up in costumes?

The Leprechaun dog... I dare you not to smile at this.

Look at those hard-working suited up dogs. They're just walking down the street on their way to a birthday bash. No big whoop.

I am starting to realize that it is hilarious every time you make your dog look like it is standing up on two feet.
ps how funny is it that the other dog is hiding behind the nun like she's bashful.

Chia pet dog and it looks like he might be working on a bit of mow hawk action too.

For all of you Fredericksburg and Stafford, VA natives- I think this cat might be dressed up as a waitress from Goolricks!

He's no Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle but he sure is looking cute in his silly costume.

Come on... you thought this guy was a lion for a second. I know you did.

I am also starting to realize that dogs and cats look funny no matter what they are dressed up as, but how about... 
A Bunny Rabbit?

Why is it that this is starting to seem mean now that I introduced a bunny into the mix?

Alright, I had better call it quits before I find a photo of a Harry Potter dog.
Too late!

Now, I really need to stop. So, on we go to The Would You Rather Question of the day!

WYR... have to wear a purple bee-hive type wig (like the cat pictured above) every weekend- all day and night

have to wear pipe cleaner eyeglasses (like the Harry Potter dog) all day for whatever 3 days each week you choose?

(These WYRs are riveting, aren't they?)

image sources: Leprechaun, Present Carriers, Catholic School DogChia Pet, Purple-Haired Cat, GoolricksTurtle Dog, Lion Dog, Bunny Claus, Harry Potter

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Favorite Cora Photos! 3 to 4 Months Old, Part 1

Dear Grandparents and Aunt Kelly, This post is for you! 
Dear Cora of the future, You will be happy to know that you are wearing a shirt in every single photo.

This is only half of Cora from month 3 to 4 (11-20-11 - 12-20-11). 
We make it through Thanksgiving and then we get a little touch of Christmas.

Dad, you are missing from the grandparent line-up in this set of photos. But you come on strong in part 2!

Sleep... It happens so rarely, especially in the car that I had to document it. On this trip, we drove about 20 hours round trip and Cora slept a total of an hour and a half.

Emery meets Cora! Grandmama was thrilled to have her at her house. With the amount of toys and books she had ready for her you would have thought Cora lived there.

Cora gets to meet the first of her many wonderful  2nd cousins. (That's Sara on the right, also pictured HERE!!!!!!)

Cora meets her Great Grandma!!!

4 generations! 

Cora gets her chance to hang out with Santa (a rather impressive Santa)!

And here's my belly! FYI Cora is impressed with bellies these days and even more so with belly buttons. She is constantly checking on her own belly button. Last week, she even said "ba- innn" and pointed to her innie. She was impressively close. I drewa belly button on Cora's favorite doll, Dora. Cora was always looking for Dora's BB and seemed surprised and upset that it wasn't there every time she checked.

My sweet, little baby

Obligatory Scott being silly with Cora photo

The cutest poncho ever!

Looks like she's a Wake Forest fan!

Boo and Cora!
I think this baby just had her belly tickled.

Getting all holiday-ed up!

Mrs. Claus with her mama

A baby in a Santa hat. Things are getting crazy around here!

Cora having fun with her Pop.

Where's Waldo of baby town.

It was Skype city around these parts!

Great Grandma is a Skyping machine!
That wraps up Part 1 of Cora's 4th month. We only have 34,563 more photos until we catch up with 14 month Cora.

And now... The Would You Rather Question of the day!

WYR... Never be able to take another photo again
have take 750 photos every single day?