
Monday, November 19, 2012

The Big 100!!!!!

This is the 100th post on Never Listless! 

Time is a-flyin'. For some reason, I distinctly remember the 100th episode of Seinfeld airing. NBC made it a pretty big deal. It had highlights of the first 99 episodes and it was an extra half an hour long.

A photo of George pushing a clown and his girlfriend's grandma out of the way so he can escape when he thinks the apartment is on fire.

Now, when things hit 100 I think they deserve a party. So, consider this one groovy super-hip NL party and you are invited!

It is time to celebrate. 

How is this celebration going to go down?
Well, with a look at my favorite posts, the most intriguing would you rather question, the most Cora-filled posts, most commented on posts, the most viewed post, and a special thanks to my biggest commentors, of course!

The 6 most Cora-filled posts:

  • This post had 11 Cora photos. It was all about keeping that little babytoddler busy with leaves, a family dinner, and a nature centerpiece.

  • Here we did a bit of leaf jumping and one member of the Spencer family even ate a few. There were a measly 5 photos of Cora but the whole post was devoted to her!

  • Here I gave new parents 29 pieces of advice and filled it with 12 Cora photos.

  • This post had 7 photos of my sweet little babytoddler. I talked about all of the random things Cora and I have been doing to stay entertained!

  • Who would have thought that a Would You Rather post would have 6 photos of Cora! But it did! This post included the 2nd round of WYRs and the answers to the 1st round. To spice things up I added some Cora photos!

The WYR that seemed to be the most thought-provoking:


you always smelled a good bit like cat pee


That you could only leave the house when it was dark out

This WYR came from the post, More Would You Rather. The final results were 3 for cat pee and 2 undecided. Undecideds usually are not encouraged but this was obviously a very thought-provoking question. So, we here at NL understand that you might need a little more time to think about something this intense.

This image popped up on Google Images when I searched for "cat pee at night." So, why not?

My Favorite Posts:

  • Although this was a sad post it is still one of my favorites. A few months ago Scott and I started the process of buying a house on a lake just north of Charlotte. We were really excited about it but it ended up falling through. The house has since been sold to someone else and we have decided that it was for the best. I did enjoy all of the thought that went into what we could do to change the house to make it more us. Lesson learned: do go Murphy-Bed-buying-crazy unless you want your garage to be completely unusable for a very long time!

  • I have learned some lessons over the last year and change about how to raise a baby. I have learned that you shouldn't stress over everything. I have learned that lesson time and time again but I still cannot manage to practice it. Oh well! In this post, I included 29 tips for new parents.

  • It is hard to imagine that I used to make so much time to paint. Maybe that is why this post is one of my favorites or maybe it is just because I like drawing faces on state shapes. Either way, I really miss my Michigan-living sister and her regal car, Chauncy.

  • Cora's nursery is one of my favorite rooms in the house. I especially like the before and after. Here is the start-up post to The Nursery Chronicles.

  • I loved decorating my room growing up. I definitely made some weird choices but I loved everything about it and I think it influenced the random style that I have these days. This is a post that I wrote about some of my old bedrooms.

  • I am pretty happy with the way our master bedroom turned out. And once again, I love a nice before and after. Who knows what I was thinking with my decorating when we first moved it. Here is the start-up post to The Master Bedroom Chronicles.

  • I liked this post because it has some nice photos of Cora and it reminds me of all the silly things she used to do.

  • I think the Honest Toddler Twitter feed might be one of the funniest things in the world. I don't do Twitter but I do do Honest Toddler. In this post I gave you my favorite HT Tweets thus far.

  • I love ridiculous photos. My friend, Christina, tops them all. Most of her childhood photos make you laugh til you cry. Here is the first of the Ridiculous Polaroid series.

  • Who doesn't like to save money on babies? I gave some tips here about how to do it.

  • One of my BFFs, Angus, wrote an unbelievably amazing journal about a geek in her tolet (I did not misspell that) when she was in 2nd grade. I was lucky enough to score an interview with her about it too! Her journal is one of my favorite things in the whole world!

Top 2 Most Commented On Posts:

  • This post about Halloween decorations had 17 comments and 2 photos of my 4th grade Halloween party. I think I can thank Christina's enormous zipper for all the comments.

The most viewed post:

  • 12 Amazingly Perfect Pumpkin Carving Ideas with 1089 views. I would like to thank Canada for that! It appears that they like to google "kitty cat pumpkin." And guess what the first image that pops up when you do that is... you guessed it: Never Listless!


And, lastly, what you have to look forward to on NL:
  • Hopefully, more Cookin' With Chris!
  • The Organization Overhaul coming in January
  • Lots of Christmas and holiday ideas
  • The funky retro bonus room reveal
  • Another chronicle series getting thrown into the mix
  • Hopefully more interviews with interesting people (like this one)
  • And a ton of other random things... JUST FOR YOU!

I would also like to give a special thanks to my biggest commenters: my mom, my dad, my sister, Sandy, Chanders, and Mary! Keep up the great work!!!!! 

To those occasional commenters: Thank you! Keep them coming and when we hit the big 2-0-0 you might just see a photo with your name on it!

I have a photo of something for each of you to thank you for your patronage:


I know how much you like to see Cora with a nice hairdo. So, here is my best attempt.


I have a Cora at the library photo for you because you like seeing her in action.


Cora has a sign for your name instead of a word. So, here she is using it... washing her hands.


I tried to find a photo of a chef's Christmas tree for you. You lead me to believe that they exist other than in your house. But, after some googling around I have come to the conclusion that that is false! So, you get a Christmas photo. I thought this style looked up your alley- everything is perfectly arranged (with ugly ornaments (like broken lizards) hiding on the back of the tree!).



You love animals! Check out this cutie!



I know you must be eating up any boy's nursery that you find these days.

I wanted to post 100 photos of nurseries for you. In the end, I decided to only post to and to write a post about boy's nurseries soon.

Thank you again to my awesome viewers! 
You all are the best!!!

Would You Rather Question of the day:

WYR... be on the show, Supermarket Sweep

be on Double Dare

(Photos of each show are below!)

This isn't the first time I've mentioned Supermarket Sweep. (image source)

America's first game show for kids image from here.


  1. Congratulations Laura - wow 100 blogs!!
    This is my favorite Blog...thanks for the lovely hairdo photo.
    wyr: supermarket sweep

    1. thank you!
      You will see how hard it is to keep any sort of hairdo on that little babytoddler

  2. Congrats!! 100 posts is more than i've done in 3 years of blogging! you are tearing it up.

    1. woo woo! thanks but that is because you don't write posts about how to clean your makeup brush.

  3. Wooo 100 posts! Supermarket sweep. Because I guessed the grocery store bill right, I think I would dominate at this game. Plus I love wearing sweatshirts...and 80's hair.

  4. Congrats on 100 posts!!! Awesome!! I have enjoyed them so much since I don't get to see you on a daily basis anymore.
    Yes, Virginia...chef trees are common...stupid google!!! I wish my tree looked like that one...not even close...but oh so right about the 3 legged

    WYR...supermarket swwep!! Loved that show!!!

    1. aww thanks! I love your comments for the same reason (dont get to see you daily).
      will you take a photo of your chef tree this year?

  5. Thanks for the shout outs :) And 100% double dare. I'm a daredevil at heart. What was that boy from highschool that was on double dare or some similar show? He had a random name. I know you remember...
    Chester, Common, Cleveland?

    1. Chicago's got GUTS! hahaha i was thinking about how we used to always say that to him. im sure he didnt get sick of that.
