A couple of months ago we found an empty ottoman surrounded by clutter. It just hit me baby, one more time that there was another empty ottoman in the house. And it sits right next to a huge bucket full of toys.
So, let's get down to business and do some more ottoman-filling work in the name of the upcoming Organization Overhaul. In January, it will be more closets and less ottomans. More tips and ideas and less baby toys.
Onto the ottoman in question...
Location: Cora's room
Color: Green
Size: A cube- about 16" Wide x 16" Long x 16" Tall
Contents: ZERO!
Here it the ottoman with a tiny little baby lying on it!
Right next to this ottoman was a big green bucket full of toys. It was the exact same kind of bucket that we had in the kitchen ottoman debacle.
Cora also has a little side table full of toys.
So, I gathered up all of the toys in Cora's room and started sorting. I had a helper to pull out all of the toys for me.
Every time I try to downsize toys Cora comes on the scene and tries her best to convince me otherwise. She usually fins something that she hasn't seen in a while and thinks it is the best thing ever... even if it is a rattle made for a newborn.
The photo above is also evidence that Cora does not need any more toys. Grandparents, keep this photo in mind when you are thinking about Christmas!
I mentioned here that I keep a box in Cora's closet so I can fill it with toys and clothes that she has outgrown. Well, that box was filled to the brim after this little toy removal process.
About 30 minutes later Cora's bedroom toy collection looked like this:
I don't want you thinking that we got rid of that awesome bucket though. No way! I bet you will see it again in January. Until then, it may just be Cora's favorite toy.
I played the "carry Cora around in a bucket" game.
Scott played the "hide under a bucket with Cora game."
He also played the bucket swinging game.
That bucket was going strong!
Then Scott played the "where is dad" game.
Please excuse the mess in the background!
And that is how I solved The Case Of Another Empty Ottoman.

Note from one Grandparent: Too Late!!